Dog Age

11 years dog age in human years

If your dog age is 11 years, you can calculate dog age in human years according to dog size, here are some calculations:

Small Size Dog (20 lbs or less) = 60 human years

Medium Size Dog (21 - 50 lbs) = 65 human years

Large Size Dog (51 - 100 lbs) = 72 human years

Giant Size Dog (100+ lbs) = 86 human years

How old is my dog in human years, if dog age is 11 years?

If your dog age is 11 years and Medium Breed, it might be roughly equivalent to around 65 human years.

Dog Years to Human Years by Size

Size of Dog => Small
20 lbs or less
21 - 50 lbs
51 - 100 lbs
100+ lbs
Age of Dog
Age in human years
2 months1.
6 months5554.5
8 months9998
1 year15151512
2 years24242422
3 years28282831
4 years32323238
5 years36363645
6 years40424549
7 years44475056
8 years48515564
9 years52566171
10 years56606679
11 years60657286
12 years64697793
13 years687482100
14 years727888107
15 years768393114
16 years808799121
17 years8491104128
18 years8895109135
19 years9299114142
20 years96103119149